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Celebrating the pipe organ, the King of Instruments

Mailbag: “Podcast update…”

September 1, 2013

Hello Mr. Barone,

I just read Ms. Cowell's letter to you about Podcasts and Flash Player. There are a couple of apps available for "iProducts" that do allow flash- payer-based programs to be played. Two in particular are "Photon" and "Virtual Browser for FireFox". While I have not personally used any of these, I do know someone that uses Photon and likes it. All you have to do is download the app and when you want to go to Pipedreams and listen, use that browser instead of Apple's "Safari".

I enjoy the programs I listen to immensely, so I just thought I would offer up a way for others to do the same!

Many thanks for your support of the best musical instrument ever invented!

Dave Ehrman
New Jersey


I knew there must be a round-about way… thanks for the information!




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