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Celebrating the pipe organ, the King of Instruments

Mailbag: “Where and When”

March 8, 2011

Dear Michael,

I can't seem to find the Paul Jacobs concert at Alice Tully Hall on March 21, 2011 anywhere on the web - Have looked at Alice Tully Hall schedule and it doesn't seem to be there.
Can you give me more information about this performance? I'd like to attend.




I'm not sure why you think that Paul Jacobs will be actually performing at Alice Tully Hall on March 21. You will not be able to attend, as that event has already happened.
Where are you seeing information that would suggest that he was performing at Alice Tully on 3/21? I’m curious.
He played the organ re-inauguration concert there on November 16, and that concert was recorded for PIPEDREAMS broadcast during the week of March 21 (online audio available at www.pipedreams.org on 3/21 at noon Central Time, local broadcasts are totally dependent on the local station schedule).
Tune in online, or to your local radio station, wherever that may be.




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