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Celebrating the pipe organ, the King of Instruments

Mailbag: “Podcast Possibilty”

October 8, 2009

Dear Michael,

Thank you for producing such a great program. I do enjoy listening as often as I can. Out local station has cut back and changed the time of pipedreams to only an hour and moved the play time to Sunday @ 2 PM. I would really like to see the entire program available on a podcast; so that I can continue to enjoy the program.




Although you only are able to access one hour of PIPEDREAMS via your weekly local broadcast, you can enjoy the full two-hour program online. This is available to you at any time, 24/7 and past programs can be accessed in the programs archive.
Unfortunately because of the cost of accessing and administering publisher and performer rights to music, it is not likely that PIPEDREAMS will be available as a podcast any time soon.




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