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Celebrating the pipe organ, the King of Instruments

Mailbag: “Pleading the 6th?”

July 17, 2009

Dear Michael,

Rather than post a question I will just comment on the question posted by Bob in May of 2007. Bob was correct. It was the 6th Symphony by Widor played by Richard Elsasser, NOT the 5th. I still have a vinal recording of it dating back to the 1950s. The rest of your reply to Bob was correct.




You are right, and I should have remembered the 6th, as I have the recording, purchased while I was still in high school. It was one of the many monophonic MGM releases, later reissued (also on LP) in ‘white label’ packaging without album graphics.

The Hammond Castle/Museum organ sounds even less satisfying in monophonic sound…




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