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Celebrating the pipe organ, the King of Instruments

Mailbag: “A Sound Introduction”

April 23, 2007

Dear Michael,

This is really a suggestion not a question. While listening to your recent show on the Couperins, I was reminded of a great LP cut by E.Power Biggs a number of years ago called The Organ or perhaps The Pipe Organ. He discribes the construction of the organ and plays and describes the stops (as you did the French organ stops on the Couperin show). It was a great recording for introducing the organ to people, including organ committees (my experience).

Perhaps it is time to remake such a recording. Sounds like a good project for Michael Barone!

Kind regards,


Yes, this is a project I have been contemplating for about a decade…perhaps it will happen, but I don’t seem to be moving very quickly in that direction!

Thanks for the push.


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