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Celebrating the pipe organ, the King of Instruments

Mailbag: “A Rousing Rising…”

May 12, 2014


I just want to thank you for REALLY waking me up last Sunday! I use your program to wake me up on Sunday, so I'm listening to it half asleep, but you played THE LAST WORDS OF DAVID by Randall Thompson! My last year at St. Francis Seminary in Milwaukee, they opened Uihlein Hall of the Milwaukee Performing Arts Center. The Alumni Assn. Paid for the Seminary choir to do a spring concert -- the LAST WORDS OF DAVID was my favorite piece, and I NEVER thought I'd hear it again! I have since found several versions on YouTube/google -- thank you for that, and keep up the good work!

Thomas Ericksen


Glad to wake you up, Tom...better than putting you to sleep at that hour, though the same programming used to be the late night delight of many.

Organ Power!  :-)





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