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Celebrating the pipe organ, the King of Instruments

Mailbag: “Title of That Teaser”

November 1, 2010

Dear Michael,

I'd like to interest about a music. Program Broadcast dates:December 14, 1998
At the beginning of the program (link: see bellow), before you begin your conference, we can hear a music which is played by Harp and Organ. I would be very happy if you could inform me about the author and the correct title of this piece.
(hopefully the link is correct)
Sorry for my bad english and
Thank you in advance,




The piece that ‘teases’ at the opening of the program also is heard complete later in the context of the show.
It is by American composer Roger Hannahs, his Fantasy on the Coventry Carol, AFKA CD 542. The CD is available from several sources, including Arkiv Music
I do not know if the music is published, nor how to contact Ms. Armstrong, who has dropped out of the organ scene.
I believe Mr. Hannahs is deceased.



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