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Mailbag: “Listen Here!”

October 30, 2009

Dear Michael,

I have written several times in the past. I have been listening to "Pipedreams" since 1984, and have noticed several programs listed in your "archives" feature. However, many just list the content, with no capability of "listen to program" Is this a technical impossibility, or am I overlooking something?




It takes a huge amount of time to transfer old programs from their analog state to digital (and, thus, to the website). If you’d like to fund an additional tech position, we’d be happy to get more of the old stuff online. :-)

We’re working on a process to identify which programs have active audio and which are ‘listings only’, and hope to be able to highlight those programs newly entered into the archive, when audio becomes available.

Have you listened to everything that’s there now?




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