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Celebrating the pipe organ, the King of Instruments

Mailbag: “Podcasts, Please (II)”

January 07, 2008

Dear Michael,

Any updates on podcast availablity? Pipedreams is the best thing on the radio but I too rarely get to hear it because my schedule.

Thanks! Jeffrey


You are by no means the first to ask about podcasts. The administrative burden and cost of clearing rights to copyrighted material is sufficiently large to keep us from offering PIPEDREAMS in a podcast format.

However, I do not quite understand when folks say, as you do, that because of your schedule you rarely can hear PIPEDREAMS…since the programs are available for your audition at any time(!!) by simply looking at the Programs page of the website…where you will find several hundred broadcasts in rather decent-quality audio (back to mid February 2003) awaiting your attentions. Dig in, pal, without delay.


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